EvalBot peripherals code

Sunday, Jan 30, 2011| Tags: ARM, Evalbot

I put together all the interesting examples from Stellarisware and ported them to work together on Evalbot and CooCox CoIDE.

Now some rubbish from the comments:

 * Start with EvalBot is little harder because
 * there are no ported examples of peripherals in Stellarisware.
 * This code can help you to start, develop and learn with EvalBot.
 * If you compile this example in CooCox CoIDE, you can try these functionality:
 * - MicroSD card slot can be used to read data
 * - USB device connector is USB Mass Storage and you can access through it to the microSD card
 * - OLED display is initialized and shows some debug info about card and ethernet IP
 * - There's lwIP ethernet stack with DHCP client running on the EvalBot
 * - You can browse web page thanks to the httpd. Pages are in folder /fs. make_filesystem.bat is for converting the folder to *.h file
 * - SSI (server side include) is enabled and there's on example in index.shtml
 * - You can find Evalbot on your network with Locator utility from Stellarisware /tools/bin/finder.exe
 * - You can flash firmware with LM Flash over ethernet
 * All source code is from StellarisWare. I ported examples from other part's and edited them so they could
 * be compiled in CoIDE and run on Evalbot. I had to change definition of the microSD card pins, set USB multiplexer
 * to the right connector and spent about a 2 more days to learn and force the USB to enumerate, because Evalbot doesn't have
 * connected USB_ID pin :)

 * libdriver.a and libusb.a is includes. Only the LWIP is loading from the Stellarisware directory.


So what’s this good for? You can take this as the starting point for your experiments with this perfect board. Good luck

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